Friendship in Sickness and in Health



Dear Readers,

I usually don’t share this type of stuff with you; however this has been weighing on my heart for few weeks. This post is really to support any patient suffering with a health related challenge. Actually, I am penning it for a real person who will remain nameless. The reason I try to keep this blog going is to support and encourage those struggling with health problems. Here is letter to friend which is part personal and supportive to all those struggling with a health problem with a focus on cancer.

Dear Friend,

I hope you are well and battling back against the cancer. As I said to you many times in my zealous support and love for you that this disease will not beat you. You will come back stronger better than ever, since you have always taken such excellent care of yourself.  The image that I will always have of you is being big, strong, and healthy. You are and will continue to be a force to be reckoned with. As friends, we have been through many up and downs, so this disease will not come between us. Sadly, I cannot begin to understand everything that you are going through. My solution is to love and support you the best way that I know how, which is a lot of calls, moments of silence wishing you well, and being there for you when you are ready.  The question plaguing me is what I can do to support you and others. My thought is list some resources that may be helpful to people with cancer and those supporting cancer patients. Here goes.

  1. PatientsLikeMe is a resource for patients struggling with a health challenge.
  2. CareZone is a great app for managing the chaos of scheduling related to your condition as well as communicating with loved ones.
  3. The app called Check Yourself is for breast cancer self exams which is important in the detection and prevention for breast cancer.
  4. This site covers an important niche Black Men Health’s. Health disparities are a major challenge, so this site is an important site servicing an underserved population. Great resource, please visit.
  5. Here is a website for those caring for cancer patients. This resource has been around since 1944, it is called Cancercare.
  6. Walgreens and The Komen foundation have come together to support underserved populations that are battling breast cancer.

I just want to say in closing, friend I don’t know what you are going through. All I can say is that I love and care about you. My friendship is forever and a day, so I am here whenever you are ready.

Readers, I hope this information is helpful. Also please provide any information or websites that you found helpful in the comments section. I tried my best but there are probably better or other resources that one should contact.

Thank you for reading.